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2014-10-12 19:03:04
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Nio's Reading List for 2014


Currently Reading:



Finished Reading:

1) Rating * 1/5
2) Rating * 3/5
3) Rating * 2/5
4) Rating * 1/5
5) Rating * 3/5

6) Rating * 2/5
7) Rating * 4/5
8) Rating * 2/5
9) Rating * 4/5
10) Rating * 5/5

11) Rating * 4/5
12) Rating * 4/5
13) Rating * 5/5
14) Rating * 4/5
15) Rating * 4/5

16) Rating * 2/5
17 Rating *3/5


Audio Books

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4. The Last Battle
5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Back to Reading Challenge 2014
Previous Years: Nioniel's Reading List 2013 & Nioniel's Reading List 2012

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2014-01-14 [Avaz]: Why are 1 through 5 weird image tag link things?

2014-01-14 [Nioniel]: So that I remember the formatting I used last time.

2014-01-14 [Avaz]: Ah, clever. :D

2014-01-16 [Chimes]: Oooo. The Maze Runner is good. I have Graceling. Need to read it.

2014-01-16 [Chimes]: I gave up on The Mortal Instruments after book three. It was only supposed to be a trilogy. Then she added three more pointless books. >.> It's fun but the writing is kinda terrible.

2014-01-16 [Nioniel]: Wasn't there a Mortal Instruments movie? I vaguely remember seeing a trailer for it, I think.

My Mother read The Maze Runner and recommended it to me. I actually have it, just haven't started to read it yet. Good to know it's a good one, though!

2014-01-16 [Chimes]: There was, I liked the film. :P The film is alright.

There's a film coming of that too. ;)

2014-01-16 [Nioniel]: Oh, cool!

2014-03-06 [Nioniel]: The Scorch Trials was much better than The Maze Runner, imo.

2014-03-08 [Chimes]: Oh, yeah. I agree. That series gets better as it progresses. I think Scorch Trials is the best (if that's the one with the nose scene... I think it's the one with the nose scene).

2014-03-08 [Nioniel]: It is the one with the nose scene. :P I think that the movies they make of the series could be better than the books, actually. At least the first movie. I'm interested to see where they go with it.

2014-03-10 [Chimes]: The nose scene freaks the hell out of me.

2014-03-10 [Nioniel]: Yeah, it was freaky.

2014-03-23 [Nioniel]: So far, I really like "The Help". It's very well-written and much better than the movie, imo.

2014-03-23 [Chimes]: Not read the book but rather enjoy the movie. :) Might pick it up. (I tend to not compare books with their movies, makes life easier :P Though, I do wish they hadn't done what they did with the Inkheart movie... the other two books are better and would have made awesome movies, I think.)

2014-03-23 [Nioniel]: I haven't read or seen Inkheart. I liked the movie "The Help", so it's been nice to like the book, too, without being bored for knowing the plot already. :)

2014-04-10 [Avaz]: This layout works better *nod*

2014-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I haven't read the Giver since like middle school. Have you read Gathering Blue, Messenger, or Son by Lois Lowry?

2014-05-22 [Nioniel]: In middle school. :) I remember kind of the basics of what happens in Gathering Blue, but not much from the others.

2014-07-31 [Stephen]: The Giver is probably one of my favorite books. <img:stuff/aj/61513/1267019305.png>

2014-07-31 [Nioniel]: I enjoyed it a lot more than I remembered from when I read the series in Middle School.

[Avaz] broke me a while ago after recommending The Kingkiller Chronicle. It is definitely my favorite series now, even though Rothfuss is taking forreeevvverrrrr to release the third installment. :/

But it's seriously incredibly good fantasy. I haven't truly enjoyed anything I've read since, because my expectations are so high from reading TKC, and because I secretly live in that world in my head now, and cannot escape.

To be fair, [Avaz] did warn me that all of that would happen. I just didn't believe him. :P

2014-07-31 [Stephen]: Man, now I want to read it. xD

That's a pretty glowing review, so I'll have to find a copy.

2014-07-31 [Avaz]: And a bunch of "I told you so!!" happened immediately afterward. :D TKC is quite literally the best two books I have ever read (and that includes Tolkien).

Side note: I'm totally not sorry for breaking you, [Nioniel] XD You can see now how I feel that all those people giving 5 stars in book reviews are fooling themselves. It's 4 stars at best. Nothing else compares.

2014-07-31 [Nioniel]: [Stephen]: yes! Read it right nao! But seriously, you'll never love any other book as much as you'll love TKC.

[Avaz]: I'm not sorry, either. Sometimes I read the reviews on TKC on pages like goodreads and just get furiously angry at all of the people who don't realize that they are literally the best two books ever written. :P How can they give it one star?!

2014-08-09 [Stephen]: You should make reviews about these books so I can read them. :P

2014-08-09 [Nioniel]: I should. That was the intent, at one point and I was really good about doing the reviews for previous years, but I just haven't been able to motivate myself to do them yet. :/ Bad me.

2014-08-09 [Stephen]: I hate reading because I love to read. x)

If I start reading a book, I have to finish it no matter how much I like or dislike it, or I will forever wonder what happens.

So I'm very cautious about books because it's pretty easy for me to end up freaked out by them. Like books on really violent wars, or pretty much anything by Stephen King, can give me nightmares. x)

.. but if I don't finish them I find myself thinking "what happens.." when I'm not focusing on something. >_>

I stopped watching Game of Thrones 'cuz it was giving me nightmares and now it's driving me nuts to not watch it. xP

2014-08-09 [Nioniel]: Oh, I can't do that. :/ I've put down many a book because it massively sucked imo.

I can't read scary. Or watch scary. Or super-gory, either. When I was two, my babysitter made me watch the Child's Play movies, and other slasher films, and as a result, I'm a pretty terrified adult who hates going into dark rooms and lots of little things freak me out. Forget scary movies/books. I read The Green Mile when I was a teen, staying up through the night to finish it, and I didn't sleep for three nights straight as a result. I was so freaked. And that's not even that scary. Mostly just kind of fucked up.

Ironic, then that I Leeerrrrvvvee GOT. :P Though some scary things I will tolerate, because the story is good. I sat all the way through the first Saw movie because I wanted to know who dunnit. :P

*huggles because you haven't been able to see more of GOT* :'(

2014-08-10 [Stephen]: x)

Yeah, it's like blarghh because I tend to be curious what others are talking about in reference to media, but there is so much I refrain from watching so I can sleep correctly. >_>

I saw the Mountain and the Viper (the one with the duel involving Prince Oberyn Martell) and the scene at the end was just so gruesome I couldn't sleep well for almost a week after. I stopped watching after that, although friends keep telling me everything after is very tame by comparison..


2014-08-10 [Mortified Penguin]: That's what he gets for getting cocky.

2014-08-10 [Nioniel]: Hubby gets really freaked about eyeballs, so he almost lost it at that scene. :P

2014-08-10 [Stephen]: Oberyn was awesome though. ;o;

Yeah, it was the eyeballs part that got to me. It was just.. so.. argh. O_x

2014-08-14 [Avaz]: So, The Kingkiller Chronicle came up in the Junk forum today, and I idly did a search and came across this gem:
In particular, read Pat's first comment. He's such a geek, I love it. <3

2014-08-14 [Nioniel]: I've read that! I love his sense of humor. :)

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